On Space Exploration Day, July 20, 2023, the California Science Center began Go for Stack, the complex process of moving and lifting each space shuttle component into place for Endeavour’s upcoming, awe-inspiring, 20-story vertical display. The installation of two Aft Skirts was the first step in the six-month process of creating the world’s only authentic, “ready-to-launch” space shuttle stack for the future Samuel Oschin Air and Space Center, complete with the Orbiter Endeavour, Solid Rocket Boosters, and External Tank.
The Aft Skirts, which form the base of the Solid Rocket Boosters, lay the foundation for building the entire shuttle stack. They flew on a combined 15 space shuttle missions dating back to 1982 STS-3, the third mission. Thursday morning they were lifted by crane over partially constructed walls into the Shuttle Gallery section and placed onto an 1,800-ton concrete slab supported by six seismic isolators. Both skirts will be secured onto the seismic isolator pad by four hold-down studs, each made from a durable superalloy material weighing 900 pounds and measuring nine feet in length. The margin of error in alignment is less than one-tenth of an inch.
This month, the California Science Center Foundation achieved another remarkable milestone: substantial gift commitments have propelled EndeavourLA Campaign fundraising progress to nearly $350 million toward its $400 million goal.
Jeffrey Rudolph, President and CEO of the California Science Center, remarked, “We are deeply grateful for the enthusiastic support that has allowed us to begin Go for Stack. This momentous feat moves us one giant step closer to completing the Samuel Oschin Air and Space Center: a major expansion of the California Science Center. It will be a launch pad for creativity and innovation that will inspire the next generation of scientists, engineers and explorers.”
In the next of the Go for Stack milestones, two Solid Rocket Motors, donated by Northrop Grumman, will be transported from Mojave to the California Science Center. Upon arrival, the 116-foot long motors will be stacked with the Aft Skirts, followed by the Forward Assemblies, which together will form the Solid Rocket Boosters. After the Solid Rocket Boosters are stacked, the California Science Center’s large orange External Tank “ET-94,” will be moved, lifted, and mated to the Solid Rocket Boosters. The last steps of the stacking process will begin with Space Shuttle Endeavour’s final journey across Exposition Park.
Go for Stack will conclude with Endeavour’s lift into the future Samuel Oschin Air and Space Center and mating with the rest of the space shuttle stack. This technically challenging feat has never been done outside a NASA facility. Once finished, Endeavour will be in a vertical configuration, towering 200 feet tall, and will serve as the star attraction of the future Air and Space Center.
December 31, 2023 will be the last day to see Endeavour in its current location at the California Science Center, where it has been on display for more than eleven years. Building construction is well underway and is expected to take approximately two more years, followed by the installation of artifacts and exhibits.
A project of this scope requires the visionary support and leadership of the philanthropic community. The California Science Center is a dynamic destination where the wonders of science through hands-on exhibits, live demonstrations, innovative programs, and large-format movies can be explored.
The California Science Center and IMAX Theater are located in historic Exposition Park just west of the Harbor (110) freeway at 700 Exposition Park Drive in Los Angeles. The Science Center is open daily from 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Please check the Science Center website for updates at CaliforniaScienceCenter.org.