Find out how you can boost your business by working with the premier media company in La Mirada.
The La Mirada Community Publication Alliance (LMCPA) is the premier marketing partner of businesses that need to reach the La Mirada community. We will deliver broad coverage or finely tuned targeting, depending on your marketing goals. From mobile to desktop to a variety of print publications, our content connects you to a highly-engaged, highly-desirable audience on every device on every occasion. LMPCA includes print and digital publications from The Olive Grove, La Mirada Chamber of Commerce, and Discover La Mirada.

To inquire about advertising opportunities in The Olive Grove and the La Mirada Community Publication Alliance, please complete the following form. Someone from our Advertising Team will respond back to you promptly.
Advertisement Specifications
The Olive Grove News prefers to receive camera-ready ads as a PDF.
- Adobe Acrobat PDF (using our JobOptions).
- We cannot accept Quark, Adobe CS files. We cannot output any PC-formatted documents or use any PC formatted so ware accept InDesign CS, PhotoShop, and Acrobat versions which will interchange between Macintosh and PC. We cannot accept Microso Publisher files.
- All ads submitted must be accompanied by any photos, artwork, and typeface that is used within the ad.
- The document size should be exactly the same as ad. size.
- Scan pictures/art at 200 dpi, logos at 200 dpi. Save as a TIFF, CMYK (if color) or grayscale. DO NOT SAVE IT AS BITMAP.
- Scans should be the size to be used in ad so that the file size is as small as possible!
- If photos or artwork need to be scanned in-house they should be reflextive (prints) no larger than 8” x 12”.
- Limit background screen to 10% gray for black type.
- Minimum 14pt type when reversed on a colored background.
- No white text on dark background smaller than 14pt.
- Color text under 12 pt is not recommended
- Total ink limit is 200. C60, M50, Y50 and K75. Pages printed Black & White or Color at 100 line screen, 200 dpi resolution, right read, emulsion down.
- It is best to send a PDF (Portable Document File). See PDF JobOptions below. If we have to load the fonts, we create a PDF and then delete the fonts, in accordance with Federal Copyright Laws.
- All COLOR should be setup as CMYK Process. BLACK should always be one color – registration (4-color) blacks will not print correctly on our press.
- Includes all ad components such as printer’s layout, copy, finished art, and necessary photos.
- Adobe Acrobat PDF preferred using our JobOptions.
- For security reasons, we do not accept ZIP files.
- If an email attachment is over 10 megabytes it should be broken down into 2 or 3 separate emails, or consider using an online file transfer service, such as
- General — Compatibility – Acrobat 5.0 (PDF 1.4),
- Resolution — 1200.
- Compression — Quality Maximum
- Color Images — Bicubic Downsample at 300 ppi, for images above: 450 ppi.
- Grayscale Images — Bicubic Downsample at 300 ppi, for images above: 450 ppi.
- Monochrome Images — Bicubic Downsample at 1200 ppi, for images above: 1800 ppi.
- Fonts — Embed All Fonts,
- Subset — 100%. Color (note all colors spot and process must be CMYK process). Color Management OFF, Preserve Overprint Settings, and Transfer Functions.
- Advanced — Preserve Level 2 copy page Semantics, Illustrator Overprint Mode, Process DSC Comments, Preserve EPS Information from DSC and Preserve Document Information from DSC. Turn Registration OFF (NO Crop Marks).
- Notification must be received prior to the appropriate no-proof deadline and/ or the space reservation deadlines listed. NO CANCELLATIONS ACCEPTED ON SATURDAY OR SUNDAY.
- It is strongly suggested that ads have a minimum 1-pixel black border or a background in a high-contrast color to make it stand out from site content. Close buttons must be bold and in a dark color (pale grays are not acceptable).
- Allow a two-business-day minimum turnaround time when submitting requests to Creative Services. This allows for testing to ensure proper ad functionality.
- Every ad must have the advertiser’s contact information on the final frame. Information can be physical address, phone number and/or customer’s website.
- A valid click-through URL is required for every ad (with the exception of click-to-call or click-to-text mobile banners). Click-through URLs can have a max of 490 characters.