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Reprints and Permissions

To request permission to use The Olive Grove content, email your inquiry to; our current turnaround time for permission inquiries is 7 to 10 business days. We appreciate your patience during this time and look forward to assisting you.

For urgent, deadline-driven requests, email your request to or call (714) 450-5582; note in the subject field of your email that your request is urgent.

To use article text with or without accompanying photos or graphic elements (charts, maps, etc.): Submit your request to For a timely response to your request be sure to include all of the necessary information about the article, including the URL if found online and the headline, author, and date published. Provide a description of how you would like to re-purpose the content. That is, how many copies you’d like to distribute, to whom, for what purpose, and in what format – print, electronic (please include URL or number of e-mail recipients), display use, etc. If you plan to use the content for broadcast, please include title of program, synopsis and the rights you need to clear.



1. Is permission required to use The Olive Grove content?

Yes. Permission must always be obtained when using The Olive Grove content (text, pages, graphics, photos, etc.).

Please be aware that when articles or photographs are attributed to another source, not The Olive Grove, permission must be obtained from the source attributed. You will need to contact them directly to obtain the appropriate permission.

2. May I use quotes from an article?

In rare cases, we do allow quotes to be used if the use does not alter the original context of the article. This is done on a case-by-case basis with careful review by our staff. We generally do not allow editing of The Olive Grove content. It is always best to submit a request for authorization. Submit your request to

3. How do I obtain permission to use a screenshot of any page or any The Olive Grove editorial content for use in a book, publication, or broadcast program?

Submit your request to

4. Do I need permission to link to

You can link directly to without obtaining permission. If you intend on sharing the text or photo from an article with a link back to, permission must be obtained. Submit your request to

5. Do I need permission to email an article?

The share feature that appears on article pages allows you to distribute a link back to the article by email. The use of this feature is limited to “personal use” only and cannot be used for any other purpose. If you would like to email an article to more than 15 recipients, you must request permission as described above.

What is “personal use”? Personal use includes keeping a copy of an article for your personal reference or giving copies to 15 recipients for their personal reference. It does not include using it in your professional portfolio, posting it to a website, posting on social media, or making multiple copies for distribution. 

6. If your questions regarding rights and permissions were not answered here.

Email your inquiry to or call (714) 450-5582.

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